Functional-semantic sub-field of prospectivity in Latin language


The research aims at the analysis of functional-semantic sub-field’s structure of prospectivity (i. e. “before-action”) as well as semantics and use of its constituents in Latin language. It is claimed that the sub-field under consideration belonging to the micro- field of phasality is monocentric with Future Participle as its core. The main characteristic feature of this form is the element of intentionality. The coniugatio periphrastica activa (i. e. Future Participle + esse) denotes speaker’s intention but not the realization of an action. Only further context reveals whether an action is going to be realized or it still remains desirable. To certain degree the prospectivity approaches the conativity, which is unrealized intention. The main difference between them is that the first one is not an action proper but an intention of doing something, while the second one describes an action as unlikely due to certain circumstances. The relativity of a state of affairs expressed by Future Participle to the domain of future and its virtual character contributes to prospective and modal meanings option. The last one can be expressed as desire, possibility, ability, necessity etc. according to speaker’s (author’s) intention. The periphery of above-mentioned sub-field form periphrastic constructions consisting of the verbs denoting attempt (conor, tempto, intendo etc.) and Infinitive. The peripheral means of expressing prospectivity are less widespread and to a considerable degree their prospective meaning depends on wider context.

Authors and Affiliations

Б. В. Чернюх


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How To Cite

Б. В. Чернюх (2018). Functional-semantic sub-field of prospectivity in Latin language. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство), 10(), 153-156.