Hate Speech from a Perspective of the Sociology of Culture
Journal Title: Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue
Hate speech is triggered by intense social confrontation and can spread far beyond the area of direct clashes between opposing parties, which considerably hinders constructive interaction between different social groups and categories. The paper gives a detailed description of the context conducive to hate speech in today’s Ukraine, presents an analysis of literature in social sciences dealing with this phenomenon and demonstrates the role of legal discourse in this thematic field. The author underscores the need for conceptualising both hate speech itself and ways to counter it. Furthermore, she proposes a conception of hate speech within the framework of the sociology of culture and pertaining to the thematic field of the relationship between culture and power. Methodologically, this conception draws on the sociocultural approach, post-structuralist methodology and the concept of the cultural mechanisms of power. Hate speech has been conceptualised as a phenomenon occuring in symbolic space, also through a combination of such processes as nomination and naturalisation. Some theoretical and practical advantages of this conceptualisation have been explained.
Authors and Affiliations
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