Hydroulic engineering projects by the academician I.H. Aleksandrov in the Central Asia (1913- 1918)
Journal Title: Eminak - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 1
The academician І.H. Aleksandrov (1875-1936) is a prominent scientist and engineer in the spheres of hydraulic engineering and hydro power engineering. I.H. Aleksandrov is well-known as an economist, an economical geographer, an active participant in developing the GOELRO Plan and in elaborating the scheme for economical districting of the former USSR including Ukraine. I.H. Aleksandrov constructed «Dniprohes» (being there the Chief engineer) and a number of others large hydraulic structures. That is why the hydraulic component occupies the principal place in his researches. I.H. Aleksandrov’s scientific papers list analysis clearly proves his keen interest in the problems on organizing the irrigating works in the Central Asia, on the Angara river exploring, on the hydraulic engineering for Chyrchyk-Chatkal industry-and-irrigation complex, in the problems connected with the hydro power plants’ classification, with the trans-Volga region irrigation involved into the solution of the Great Volga problems, with the challenges of «Dniprohes» construction etc. Conducting researches in the Syrdar’ia river water-shed, Ivan Havrylovych Aleksandrov apprehended the unique value of the central Asian rivers as a powerful source for receiving cheap electric energy, having linked this receiving with the construction of irrigational structures. I.H Аleksandrov took also an active part in the BAM railway plan’s working out and in the problems on constructing stone-made embanking dams. The article analyses the hydraulic engineering projects by academician I.H. Aleksandrov worked out as the result of his researches in the Syrdar’ia river watershed, his projects for South-Eastern Fergana and Tashkent regions’ irrigation. For the first time the scientist considered the close combination of the irrigation challenges with those of utilization of the hydro power supplies available in the Central-Asian rivers. The projects on combination of the irrigation challenges with the receiving of cheap electrical power by means of the structures constructed on large irrigational canals and water-storage dams, put forward by I.H. Aleksandrov, were completely original and innovated in the hydraulic engineering of the 1920-ies.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksandr Isaienko
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