Ichtiofauna systemu Widawki. Część II. Dopływy
Journal Title: Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Związku Wędkarskiego - Year 2009, Vol 22, Issue
Nine streams in the Widawka (Warta) River system, including the Krasówka, Rakówka, Pilsia, Chrząstawka and Grabia Rivers, were electrofished at 36 sites in summer 2003. Altogether 5003 individuals representing 26 fish and lamprey species were caught. Roach was the numeric dominant (39%), while gudgeon, stone loach and perch (each 11–15%) were subdominants. The ichthyofauna in the studied rivers was very different. Rich fish assemblages with 23 species, including 8 rheophilic ones, were recorded in the Grabia. In the polluted Rakówka, only one individual of one species, mud loach, was caught, while in the Krasówka (mostly turned into concrete canal) the number of fish was very low as compared to its size. In comparison with earlier studies, in 2003 certain rheophilic and/or migratory species: eel, asp, nase, barbel and vimba were not recorded, and the distribution area of chub became limited. The main reasons are channelization, modifications of hydrological regime by a strip mine, increasing water pollution and construction of the Jeziorsko dam reservoir on the Warta River and smaller impoundments in the Widawka system, all of which are without fish passes.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Kruk, Tadeusz Penczak, Grzegorz Zięba, Lidia Marszał, Henryk Koszaliński, Szymon Tybulczuk, Joanna Grabowska, Michał Ciepłucha, Wanda Galicka
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