Interlanguage Syntagmatic of a Verb in Projection on Predicative Adverbial Model of Valuation Semantics


The article focuses on the correlative syntagmatic relations between Ukrainian and English verbal systems in the projection on predicative adverbial model of valuation semantics as the tertium comparationis of bilateral cross-language analysis. The possibility of using such model as a basis of comparison in the light of the theory of nominative minimum of a sentence is proven. The investigation is based on the theory of nominative minimum of sentence that is traditionally viewed as an extended scheme which includes minimal structural scheme of the sentence (main components) and mandatory verbal radiators necessary for the implementation of the sentence nominative function. The scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, description and comparison have been used in order to prove that Correlative verbal features of the predictive-adverbial model of evolution semantics is formed by synsemantical verbs. They predict a strong position to fill it appropriate (usually noun / pronominal) elements at the level of semantic unities that effect obligatory verbal components in the sentence. Identified partial or complete lack of correlation is mostly measured by formal parameters. They were found in the sphere of obligatory components caused by verbs and had adverbial syntax semantics. It can be explained by the peculiarities of grammatical structure of each contrasted language.

Authors and Affiliations

N. B. Ivanytska


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How To Cite

N. B. Ivanytska (2017). Interlanguage Syntagmatic of a Verb in Projection on Predicative Adverbial Model of Valuation Semantics. Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка, 85(1), 40-45.