’خواتین کی معاشی کفالت،’سیرت طیبہ ﷺکی روشنی میں‘‘The Role of Economic Ideology in the Stability of the State of Madina
Journal Title: INKĪSHĀF - Year 2021, Vol 1, Issue 1
In pre-Islamic Arabia, women had a very weak position socially and economically. She considered as a symbol of shame for the family and people were used to bury their alive daughters as a custom. A man could have as many wives at a time as he wants. Islam provided women respectable status by giving specific rights and directions for believers to treat them in best way. The objective of this study is to highlight the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah for the economic stability of women. This is a qualitative research. Data is gathered from primary sources; Qur’an and Hadith and secondary sources include books, articles and online sources. Islam provided honor and dignity to women in case of mother, daughter, wife and sister. Woman was given rights which were notgiven in the age of ignorance such as; right in inheritance, right of Khula, Haq Meher, provision of food and cloth and freedom of opinion. The need of time is to propagate the teachings of Islam regarding women rights in masses.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Aisha RizviVisiting Faculty,Dept. Of Islamic Learning,University of Karachi. Karachi.
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