Комплекс методик для дослідження психологічного здоров’я менеджерів освітніх організацій [A set of instruments for studying psychological health of educational organization managers]


The article presents a set of instruments to study psychological health of educational organization managers. The set includes three groups of instruments to find out and assess: 1) the psychological health of educational organization managers, in particular its (a) emotional, cognitive, practical, and activity components; (b) strategic, vocational, creative, intellectual, family, humanistic and personal vectors; (c) managers' assessment of their health, psychosocial stress, overall life satisfaction, satisfaction with living conditions and satisfaction of basic needs; 2) the relationship between the levels of educational organization managers' psychological health and meso-level factors (organizational characteristics: types of educational institutions, the number of their teaching staff and institutions' age; psychological characteristics: levels of organizational development of educational institutions, psychological climate, staff cohesion, mobbing; functional characteristics: workload, working conditions, overtime work, excess paper work, availability of health-preserving facilities); 3) the relationship between the levels of educational organization managers' psychological health and micro-level factors (managers' personal characteristics: stress, anxiety, aggressiveness, frustration, rigidity, emotional stability; managers' professional characteristics: creativity, work motivation, self-development, management style; managers' socio-demographic characteristics: age, gender, marital status; managers' organizational-professional characteristics: position in an organization, level of education, type of education, overall work experience and positional experience).

Authors and Affiliations

Antonina Shevchenko


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How To Cite

Antonina Shevchenko (2017). Комплекс методик для дослідження психологічного здоров’я менеджерів освітніх організацій [A set of instruments for studying psychological health of educational organization managers]. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 9(2), 109-118.