Орієнтація на клієнта комерційних організацій різного типу (Customer orientation of commercial organizations of different types)


In this article, the main components of customer orientation are defined (general policy of the organization and resolute activity of the management regarding customer orientation; working out and implementation of special standards and technologies in the organization; teaching and promotion of personnel in regards customer orientation). Based on the empiric research, insufficient level of the development of main components as well as integral indicator of customer orientation of the commercial organizations are revealed, primarily it concerns the component of teaching and promotion of personnel in this regard. Reveled also are the peculiarities of the development of main components and integral indicator of customer orientation of the commercial organizations of different types that are differentiated by such characteristics: a) sphere of operation of the organization (organizations operating in business sphere of “Business-to-Business” type as well as retail trading organizations of “Business-to-Consumer” type are more customer oriented); b) ownership of the organization (privately owned organizations are more customer oriented compared to state-owned organizations); c) number of employees in the organization (organizations with higher number of employees are more oriented to teaching and promotion of personnel, however, as the number of employees grows, the organizations become less oriented to implementation of special technologies and standards). Statistically significant differences regarding customer orientation between the organizations with different periods of activity have not been found.

Authors and Affiliations

Yaroslava Goncharenko


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How To Cite

Yaroslava Goncharenko (2017). Орієнтація на клієнта комерційних організацій різного типу (Customer orientation of commercial organizations of different types). Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 11(4), 7-15. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-541747