Kształtowanie polityki karnej w sprawach o wykroczenia przez aparat administracji Polski Ludowej
Journal Title: Dzieje Biurokracji - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
The socialistic reform, which took place in December 1951, implemented a adjudicating boards judging petty offences cases involving a social component. Deciding adjudicating boards were placed in the local branches of state administrative structures, thus general guidelines on the penalty policy were issued by the Minister of Home Affairs. Usually those guidelines have a typically repressive character, because Minister ordered the members of adjudicating boards to intensify the restrictions. Due to provision of guidelines towards the perpetrators of serious offences severe penalties were applied. Especially the offenders committing ‘alcohol and hooligan’ acts were imposed with principal arrest and substantial fines, which in case of late payment were substituted by detention. The reform from 1990, which took place after the fall of the communist system in Poland, has abolished the institution of general guidelines on the penalty policy. Adjudicating boards were cut off from the Ministry of Home Affairs and placed in the structures of the Ministry of Justice.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Łysko
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