От высших идеалов Добровольческой Армии к бюрократическим традициям Вооруженных Сил Юга России и русской армии (документы штаба главнокомандующего ВСЮР и штаба русской армии. 1918-1920 гг.)
Journal Title: Dzieje Biurokracji - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
The article is devoted to the organization of anti-Bolshevist government military administration bodies and their documenting activities in southern Russia. Chronological framework of the article is defined by the period of 1918 - 1920, time of creation, existence and operation end of the Volunteer army headquarters, Armed forces of the Sothern Russian General Headquarters, Russian army General Headquarters. Based on the recollections of those who took part in the events of the Civil War, statutory documents of the Czarist-era that regulated the office administration in the Imperial army, archive documents that are now stored in Russian State military achieve, the author makes a conclusion that there was an effort to preserve imperial traditions in accurate following the rules for composing and executing the service documents related to the military documentation system.
Authors and Affiliations
Лада Париева
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