Lęk przed matematyką uczniów szkoły podstawoweja ich poczucie kontroli

Journal Title: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 2


Math Anxiety in Primary School Students and Their Locus of Control Math anxiety is becoming an increasingly common symptom not only of high school students. Studies reveal its presence in varying intensity among primary school pupils. Experiencing success or learning difficulties in mathematics in this period determines the scope of developing sense of competence and efficacy. The perception of mathematics, as well as Math anxiety in students with learning difficulties may have connections with their sense of control. The aim of the research was to find a relationship between Math anxiety and the sense of control in students of grade 4 (n = 48) and grades 6 (n = 50). In addition, in the study there was an inquiry about the differences in Math anxiety, Math perception and locus of control between both an inquiry groups. Two tools were used: 1) FSMAS-SF E. Fennema and J. Sherman (1976) to measure Math anxiety and Math perception; 2) Questionnaire of Locus of Control (KBPK; Krasowicz, Kurzyp-Wojnarska, 1990). The analysis showed no significant correlations between the Math anxiety and the locus of control in the studied groups. There were no significant differences in the level of Math anxiety in both groups. On the other hand, there were significant differences in the perception of mathematics and a subjective assessment of the usefulness of mathematics in everyday life, perception of success in mathematics and the evaluation of the teacher of this subject. There were also significant differences in the loci of control in students of grade 4 (unsettled) and grade 6 (external). The obtained results may be an introduction to the implementation of cross-sectional research on Math anxiety and locus of control, in which it would be good to include a larger number of respondents from many age groups.

Authors and Affiliations

Urszula Oszwa, Magda Bober


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How To Cite

Urszula Oszwa, Magda Bober (2018). Lęk przed matematyką uczniów szkoły podstawoweja ich poczucie kontroli. Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 12(2), 177-191. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-540680