Mężczyzna jako nauczyciel edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
Journal Title: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 2
Man as a Teacher of Early-school Education In the paper there is discussed the male stereotype and the influence of the family and school onto forming the sex/gender identity as well as traditional features most frequently attributed to the male sex. There are also analyzed stereotypes/representations that refer to customary role differences within the family and especially parts and duties ascribed to males — mainly functions and tasks at home and for the family. The next analysis refers to male professional sphere. In the second part of the paper there was undertaken the problem of determinants for relatively small number of male-teachers in early-school education. There were cited the female-teachers opinions on the reasons for this phenomenon, pointing to the fact that this is the established tendency strengthened with male stereotype image and features, which may be explained by traditional perceiving of social roles, entitlements and duties associated to male sex/gender.
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Czaja-Chudyba, Beata Drwal, Magdalena Miłosz
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