Місце науки в структурі суспільної системи


У статті аналізується структура суспільної системи та розглядається можливість виділення науки в її самостійну підсистему. Доводиться необхідність дослідження впливу науки на соціально-економічний розвиток через аналіз наслідків її впливу не тільки на економічну, а й на всі інші підсистеми суспільної системи. Methods. The results obtained through the use of methods: systemic - in the process of studying the components of the social system; institutional - in substantiating the need to study both economic and other subsystems of the socio-economic system; general and special - in establishing the unity of existing approaches to structuring the social system; analysis - in determining the components of individual subsystems of the social system. Results. Is proved that during the analysis of the social system in the process of its progressive development and the definition of its driving forces and acceleration mechanisms is not sufficiently limited to the study of individual components because society is a complex system in which each component has an equal impact on development and performs a specific function in the functioning of society. Is proved that the emphasis on individual components of the development of society does not allow to trace and take into account the process of combining the effects of science on each sphere of the social system in the complex, since science affects the development of society through the influence on certain elements of it, which, through links with other elements of the system, create conditions for development. In this regard, an attempt was made to identify the main components of the social system and their role in ensuring the progressive socio-economic development - economic, socio-cultural, environmental, political and legal, as well as the place among them science. Novelty. Is proved that science, due to its own specificity, which consists in: the existence of its own mechanism of self-development (accumulation of the amount of knowledge), its own resource of self-development (information and knowledge) and specific institutes and organizations (scientific society) can be considered as an independent subsystem of the social system, whose a special role is the qualitative improvement of all components of the social system, which promotes progressive socio-economic development. Practical value. Since in the harmonious and consistent combination of all components of the social system lies the key to the formation of a model of progressive socio-economic development, by way of determining the conditions for its support is the study of the impact of science on the main components of the social system in their combination because the effects of science on the development of the social system may be ambiguous for its components. Thus, by leveling out the negative manifestations and enhancing the positive effects of science on all the major components of the social system, it is possible to achieve the strategic goal of its progressive development.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Fedorova


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How To Cite

N. Fedorova (2017). Місце науки в структурі суспільної системи. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 7(14), 20-28. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427365