“MOBLAB” business simulation usage specific in the educational process of higher education institution


The article is dedicated to the description of the “MobLab” business simulation usage specific in the educational process of higher education institution by teachers and students. It is found that business simulations are being used by the companies and governmental institutions for analysis of the present states and prognosing of the private and governmental organizations functioning, economics sectors, countries and the world as a whole. The leading international higher educational institutions are using such business simulations to form and strengthen knowledge and skills of the future economists and managers they are teaching. The short overview of the achievements of the scientists in the area of business simulations usage. The main specific of the business simulation setup in the educational process is presented. The possibility to vary the conditions of the interactions of the players is described. The examples of the agents’ interactions to decrease or avoid adverse selection are provided. The next recommendations and advices regarding the students groups’ registration organization in the “MobLab” system are provided: in case of the work with the relatively small group (up to 20 students) within the rather long course, students will be able to sign up personally during the first class attendance; in case of the using simulation by the big group of students (usually to conduct educational experiment and visualize its results to the group), the preliminary registration in the “MobLab” system and distribution of the credentials to the students is advised; in case of the separate economic problem-based training distribution of the credentials to the students is mandatory because of the limited time-slot. The provided recommendations of the “MobLab” business simulation system usage specific will help teachers to prepare for the classes at the higher education institution and will also help students in the productive usage of “MobLab” business simulation in the educational process.

Authors and Affiliations

Д. С. Антонюк


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Д. С. Антонюк (2018). “MOBLAB” business simulation usage specific in the educational process of higher education institution. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 61(2), 6-11. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-568395