Modern Forms and Methods of Preparation of the Future Educators of Pre-School Educational Establishment to Work with Children of Different Categories


The article deals with the organizational-methodical aspects of the professional preparation of educators of pre-school educational establishment who in their future pedagogical activity will be able to model the educational process, to find effective forms, methods and techniques for work with children of different categories and their parents. The contents of the course «Theory and Technologies of Work with Different Categories of Children» for students in the field of knowledge 01 Education, in specialties 012 Pre-school education, 013 Primary education in the conditions of higher educational institution of Ukraine have been covered (on the example of Khmelnytskyi HumanitarianPedagogical Academy). The attention is paid to the optimal choice of modern forms and methods of preparing students to work with children of different categories. The emphasis is on the importance of using interactive, problem, integrated lectures, lectures-conversations, lectures-press conferences, lectures-visualizations, problem-oriented seminars, seminars-conversations, seminars-discussions, seminars-conferences, creative workshops, practical classes using the project studies, trainings, etc. when teaching the course. Modern methods of preparation of the future educators and teachers to work with children of different categories have been considered. These include: problem, heuristic, dialogical, discussion, game teaching methods, project method, case method, etc. It is concluded that the use of modern forms and methods of teaching will allow the future educators of pre-school educational institutions and teachers of primary school to acquire pedagogical skills, professional competence as for the organization of educational work with different categories of children of pre-school and junior school age and their parents.

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How To Cite

Н. В. КАЗАКОВА (2018). Modern Forms and Methods of Preparation of the Future Educators of Pre-School Educational Establishment to Work with Children of Different Categories. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 58(), 93-101.