Modern trends of management in multinational organizations in the context of intercultural communication barriers

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 3


This article attempts to indicate the most significant aspects of management in multinational organizations in the context of intercultural communication barriers. In the first part of the article the influence of globalisation processes on the emergence of international organizations has been discussed. Next, some barriers that exist in multinational organizations have been characterised and particular attention has been drawn to the following: cultural barriers, language barriers, integrating barriers and motivating barriers. Another part of the article deals with the issues in relation to intercultural communication barriers and management in a multinational organization. Some actions that need to be taken to improve management have also been pointed out. Moreover, personality traits and skills of a manager working with a multinational team have been presented. Then, a brief description of the organization, where the research was carried out, has been provided as well as research methods. Finally, some conclusions from empirical research have been presented. Assiduous attention has also been paid to define the influence of nationality on realising the significance of communication barriers in management. What is more, the article includes a description of research results concerned with the effectiveness of introducing particular methods of reducing communication barriers.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Kubik


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How To Cite

Piotr Kubik (2012). Modern trends of management in multinational organizations in the context of intercultural communication barriers. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 11(3), 134-143.