O przyjemności tłumaczenia
Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue 1
In his Dire quasi la stessa cosa. Esperienze di traduzione (2003) Umberto Eco discusses and comments on important dynamics of translation, its strategies and gestures, using examples drawn from his own literary works rendered in different languages. Thus, the answer to the question of the reasons we translate is formulated in relation to some subjective experiences of literary translation from and into Italian exercised by the author of the essay. The category of pleasure is presented as a significative factor that prompts us to translate.
Authors and Affiliations
Olga Płaszczewska
Bibliografia przekładów literatury macedońskiej w Polsce w latach 2007—2012
The bibliography of translations of Macedonian literature in Poland from 2007 to 2012
Stylizacja na potoczność w przekładzie literatury czeskiej na język polski
Czech literature has traditionally made use of a distinctive stylization of colloquial language and dialect. This represents a significant challenge for translators into languages with less diverse stylistics as they see...
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Czechach w latach 1990—2006
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Czechach w latach 1990—2006
„To tylko inna nazwa miłości…”. Nowe włoskie przekłady słoweńskiej literatury pięknej (2000—2013). Tłum. Joanna Cieślar
Between 2000 and 2013, 160 volumes of Slovene poems, plays and prose texts were published in Italian translation. This article investigates this corpus of translations in terms of quantitative, qualitative and aesthetic...
Rozwój przekładoznawstwa i interdyscyplinarność. Tłum. Joanna Cieślar
The paper deals with interdisciplinarity as a fundamental paradigm of modern research, presenting some of its characteristics as well as problems related to the concept. Special attention is paid to the development of Tr...