Penerapan Pembelajaran Problem-Based Instruction Melalui Model Konstruktivisme Pada Materi Program Linear Siswa Kelas X SMK

Journal Title: JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 2


Learning mathematics requires learning that can build students' understanding based on the basic concepts of understanding possessed by the students themselves. Therefore the teacher is expected to be able to improve the ability to think and solve the problems of students in Mathematics, especially in linear program material. By applying a learning model based on a problem (Problem-based Instruction) the role of the teacher is to raise problems, ask questions, provide an atmosphere of dialogue in the learning process. From the results of the learning done, the average score of the student learning test results is 78, where the classical learning completeness value is 81% and this shows that applying problem based learning models can improve student learning outcomes in linear program material.

Authors and Affiliations

Sumihariantini Sumihar Sumihariantini


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  • EP ID EP502043
  • DOI 10.31764/jtam.v2i2.723
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How To Cite

Sumihariantini Sumihar Sumihariantini (2018). Penerapan Pembelajaran Problem-Based Instruction Melalui Model Konstruktivisme Pada Materi Program Linear Siswa Kelas X SMK. JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika), 2(2), 162-165.