« Perco », « tacot », « toto », ou de l’héritage de l’argot poilu dans le français actuel

Journal Title: Argotica - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 1


This article aims to provide a brief overview of the legacy of slang trenches in the lexicon of contemporary French. To achieve this objective, we will analyze, in the first part, the “lexicography of war” between 1915 and 1919: foremost, we will present lexicons and “comic dictionaries” published in trench news-papers. Then, we will focus on dictionaries by Claude LAMBERT, Lazare SAINÉAN, the publishing house Larousse, Albert DAUZAT, François DÉCHELETTE and Gaston ESNAULT. In the second part, we will report, by some summary tables, the impact of “parler poilu” on present-day French. We will use, in particular, the Grand Robert de la langue française, because it is, at present, a reference tool among the most complete and reliable.

Authors and Affiliations

Loredana Trovato


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How To Cite

Loredana Trovato (2015). « Perco », « tacot », « toto », ou de l’héritage de l’argot poilu dans le français actuel. Argotica, 0(1), 88-108. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-200544