Journal Title: Іноземні мови - Year 2016, Vol 85, Issue 1


The editorial board of the scientific journal “Foreign Languages (Inozemni movy) ISSN 1817-8510”, published by a state higher educational institution “Kyiv National Linguistic University” (Kyiv, Ukraine), adheres to all necessary requirements to the materials submitted for publication. These requirements are defined both by the scientific areas of the journal, identified in the Certificate of the State Registration, and standards of scientific papers quality and presentation, accepted in the scientific community. Mrs. Sofia Nikolaieva as a Chief Editor of the journal “Foreign Languages (Inozemni movy) ISSN 1817-8510” takes her duties of guardianship over all stages of publishing extremely seriously, the editorial board fully recognizing its ethical and other responsibilities. The editorial board of the scientific journal sets the ethical requirements for scientific publications to be complied with and followed by the authors submitting for publishing their research results in conformity with the scientific areas of the journal. Developing the regulations concerning the editorial policy of the scientific journal “Foreign Languages ISSN 1817-8510” the editorial board was guided by the recommendations of the Publication Ethics Committee: COPE and PERK, as well as by the experience of foreign and Ukrainian professional communities, research organizations and publication editorial boards. The following guidelines can provide a substantial help for professional scientists as well as post-graduate students and young researchers.

Authors and Affiliations

Софія Ніколаєва


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How To Cite

Софія Ніколаєва (2016). PUBLICATION ETHICS. Іноземні мови, 85(1), 5-6.