Recommendations for acute post-operative pain management AD 2014
Journal Title: BÓL - Year 2014, Vol 15, Issue 3
On the initiative of the Polish Association of the Study of Pain, Polish Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy and community of anesthesiologists, a multidisciplinary working group composed of representatives of the above entities reviewed the most recent literature reports regarding acute post-operative pain management in adults and children and prepared recommendations outlined below. The reason of the need for updating the 2011 guidelines was to introduce the newest pain treatment strategy, i.e. multimodal therapy with special emphasis on the use of new drug formulations, another approach to known and commonly used anesthetics and manner of their administration. An attempt was made to adjust the organization of perioperative pain management to the currently recommended trends in safety management within the framework of the unfolding program “Hospital without pain”. The group supported the model of prognostication of post-operative pain developed by specialists in many surgical disciplines, and each model was expanded to include methods of pain management that are to be systematically updated to keep up with scientific progress. The updated guidelines are more “cautious” than the former ones in recommending the extradural techniques of pain control in favor of regional anesthesia with peripheral nerve blockade or the multimodal analgesia. The current recommendations, like the former guidelines, contain references to recent evidence-based medicine resources. Some of them rely on clinical experience and expert opinions but result only from single reports and require further studies. These are only suggestions which are not reflected in characteristics of each individual medicinal product, thus, they are used off label.
Authors and Affiliations
Hanna Misiołek, Maciej Cettler, Jarosław Woroń, Jerzy Wordliczek, Jan Dobrogowski, Ewa Mayzner-Zawadzka
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