Results of Evaluation the Level of Physical Training of Students – Volleyball Players of Kyiv 3ational University of Trade Economics (K3UTE)
Journal Title: Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах - Year 2018, Vol 58, Issue
For students from higher educational establishments physical activity is a main component of their healthy way of life and comprehensive development. Therefore, exactly in student’s years fixation and conscious formation of essential skills, that in future will help to lead a healthy life, strengthen the health, maximally realize the abilities and decrease the risk of the emergence of diseases. Physical culture and sport specialists point out that one of the main tasks of physical education is an increase the level of physical training of students. The article outlines results of evaluation the level of physical training of first-year and secondyear students field of «Volleyball», who on age belongs to the age category 17-25, with the help of tests on physical training of population of Ukraine. The results of evaluation the level of physical training of students – volleyball players allow defining an individual level of physical training in each test task on the development of physical qualities. It is possible to compare the training both selected students and whole groups. The evaluation the level of physical training shows that some students have a low level of development of separate physical qualities such as endurance. The development of physical quality speed and force for men and flexibility for women is particularly appreciated. In the study of students – volleyball players, on a high level implemented 35 (17.0%) students (men and women), a sufficiently level – 77 (37.6%), a middle level – 53(25.9%), a low level – 40 (19.5%) students. Analyzing research results, conclusions have been drawn about the need for physical activity of young people. Based on the analysis of test results it can be inferred that the level of physical qualities of students is evaluated satisfactorily.
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