Romanian Sociologists’ Identity as Reflected in their Stories about the Space they Live in
Journal Title: Socialiniai tyrimai - Year 2013, Vol 31, Issue 2
When they talk about their homes, female sociologists distinguish themselves from male sociologists. Women are more interested in the subject (they are the producers of more elaborate, longer and more detailed answers). There is a big story behind interviewed woman’s house (it appears that there is a story for each object or decision taken related to the house). There is a history of their house, there are memories related to different component elements of the house, there are descriptions of some house-related people. The way they tell their stories, the words they use and their linguistic “artistry” reveals that women sociologists are educated, intellectual, erudite people with a well-developed aesthetic and humorous sense. Women sociologists are very busy people: they work a lot, they have artistic hobbies or at least a preoccupation for the beautiful and quite a few of them do not mention having books in their homes; they have good tastes (at least they say so), they are sociable and they have numerous friends. What makes them so detail-oriented (rather aesthetic than technical), their easiness when speaking about their personal life, their coquetry, I think, it is their belonging to the female gender. Women define themselves through the space they live in. Pursuing the characteristics of these “my home” stories in comparison function of generations of sociologists one can picture a seamless illustration of a life with the youth turmoil to find a “nest” and the permanent disappointment of spoiling housing needs, with the adulthood hardships related to loans or other responsibilities, and the change in these housing needs as they are satisfied, with the wisdom of old age and the nostalgic spirit of this stage of life. To conclude, I proposed the idea of studying sociologists’ identity with the help of an interesting and provocative qualitative method drawing attention over an unexplored category of subjects and over a quite unused method. I discovered in sociologists subjects unusual, spiritual people who are keen beauty, who know their value and are proud of what they have become; who have well-developed observation skills, self-irony and intellectual preoccupations. Keywords: sociologists, identity, home, qualitative research
Authors and Affiliations
Florentina Scârneci-Domnișoru
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