Strukturalistyczny model rozwoju człowieka J. Piageta w kontekście zagadnień pedagogicznych


This thesis deals with the problem of structuralist method in the growth of a human being’s morality in Jean Piage`s thought. In Introduction general concept of structure and structuralist method is given. The concept of structure in Levi Strauss’ and J. Piage`s thought is drawn. The idea that structuralism in pedagogics works as a method not as a philosophical theory is presented. The first chapter is devoted to the problem of a child’s growth in J. Piage`s thought. Three stages of moral development of a child are described. The differences between the stages are drawn. The way in which personality, in the moral context, is created is shown. And the evolution from hu¬man to metaphysical source of moral obligation is presented. The second chapter describes the consequences of structuralist method for pedagogics in the context of moral growth of a child. The difference between the ideas of structure and system is given. The necessary conditions of using structural method are drawn. And the work of structuralist method in the context of a child’s moral growth according to Piaget is presented. In this chapter the ideas of how to teach children in order to help them harmoniously and rightly morally grow, accor¬ding to structuralism by Piaget, are shown. It is said that every development must take a certain rhythm and tempo. It mustn’t be too slow or too quick. In the Conclusion, the general view of Piage`s ideas is given, the theory is summed up and the advantages and disadvantages of Piage`s way of thinking are demonstrated.

Authors and Affiliations

Karolina Możdżeń


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How To Cite

Karolina Możdżeń (2009). Strukturalistyczny model rozwoju człowieka J. Piageta w kontekście zagadnień pedagogicznych. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia, 34(), 137-147.