The position of a music teacher and the subject of Music within teaching environment of the Polish educational system (primary, middle and secondary schools)
Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 2
There was a survey conducted among teachers of primary, middle and secondary schools, wherein teachers of different subjects were requested to express their opinions about teaching music at school and determine whether music and music teacher have (and if so – to what degree) a beneficial effect on students’ achievements in particular school subjects. The aim of the study was to obtain the data establishing the extent to which teaching music at school (from where, to a certain degree, it is now being eliminated) matters for the overall effectiveness of education and teaching. The respondents’ opinions display their positive attitude towards the subject of Music, which does not mean that they are unaware of current problems. It can be observed that within the discussed age groups, the concerns associated with teaching music are of a different nature and that their influence on pupils’ development may vary, too. It seems that the youngest pupils are most disadvantaged by the current Music teaching syllabus because according to a popular proverb: “what youth is used to, age remembers”. School also suffers from the lack of musical interests among pupils. Although they actively participate in a broadly understood school life, they are unable to raise the quality of the school’s activity to a higher artistic level. Hence, a question needs to be posed whether children and artistically gifted young people should not be given a possibility to develop their artistic skills also somewhere else besides extracurricular classes?<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Kamińska
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