The specificity of professional education development in Ukraine
Journal Title: Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах - Year 2018, Vol 60, Issue 2
The article deals with the analysis of peculiarities of the development of professional education in Ukraine. It is revealed that modern globalization processes, the international nature of labour organization, the daily use of the modern information and communication technologies form the new challenges for professional education. Taking into consideration the specificity of modern professional education development, we believe that the analysis of the scientific works of theorists and practitioners in this field, identification of its development peculiarities is relevant and feasible. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature covering the various aspects of the research problem has been conducted. The peculiarities of professional education development in Ukraine during the period of its independence have been characterized. The methods used in the research (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical method, method of systematization and generalization) have been presented. The results of the conducted research, which showed the significant fluctuations in the dynamics of professional educational establishments development during two decades, have been presented. The analysis of quantitative indicators showed the need for further development of professional education system reforming in Ukraine. The prospects for further researches have been defined: the specificity of changes introduction into the management of professional education development, educational services quality assurance, continuous professional development of teachers, which contributes to the improvement of educational process in general
Authors and Affiliations
Н. В. Мукан, В. Е. Вибрановський
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