Thromboprophylaxis in Patients with Multiple Organ Injuries – is There an Alternative to low-molecularweight heparins (LMWH)?
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2011, Vol 13, Issue 3
The number of body injuries keeps growing and that is mostly due to increasing number of car accidents. How to prevent thrombosis in such cases is still under discussion with the biggest issue being the proper timing. Most of the input to such discussion usually comes from extrapolating data from other studies, which is hardly of help for treatment of such group of patients. The authors focus on collection and analysis of most recent data and recommendations that are available in literature. They show that low-molecular-weight heparins are by far the most common, if not sole pharmacologic means of thromboembolism prevention in patients with numerous body injuries.
Authors and Affiliations
Zbigniew Krasiński , Tomasz Urbanek , Beata Krasińska , Jacek Kaczmarczyk
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