Treatise on selected problems of theory and practice in the area of educational sciences
Journal Title: Pedagogicka Orientace - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 3
This treatise mentions the relationship between theory and practice in ancient and modern times and points to the present fetishization of practice. It also refers to the change of philosophising and draws attention to the arrival of sciencetechnology, which has taken over the present society. The question of the relationship between theory and practice is discussed from a number of viewpoints; the diff erences in emphases placed on the value of theory and practice are highlighted. The problem of practice schools (i.e. schools used for teacher training) is mentioned, as well as the problem of microteaching, observations, teacher students´ own performances and selected aspects of the relationship to extra-curricular activities that a teacher should be able to make use of.
Authors and Affiliations
Jaroslav Koťa
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