Článek pojednává o problematice zkušenostně reflektivního učení. Předně se
zaměřuje v této problematice na diskuzi týkající se konceptu komfortní zóny. Překračuje
obvyklý rámec tuzemského vymezení konceptu komfortní zó...
The study reports on relations between the field of so-called ritual studies and the educational sphere. The author points out the relations between rituals and the process of human shaping and learning, the state of rit...
The study presents results of a quantitative analysis of visuals for teaching
culture in German language textbooks. The research sample consisted of four
textbooks for teaching German as a second foreign language at lo...
The present paper presents the results of the analysis of secondary school geography textbooks. The choice of the research methods had been determined by the applicability of the results in practice. Two main methodologi...
The aim of the paper was to explore how principles of estimating validity and reliability of research instruments, as described in respected methodology textbooks, are satisfied. The initial parts of the paper delineate...
EP ID EP104459
DOI 10.5817/PedOr2013-3-298
Views 100
Downloads 0
How To Cite
Zuzana Obertová (2013). Vtelená kognícia, jej filozofické východiská a potenciálny význam pre pedagogiku. Pedagogicka Orientace, 23(3),
298-317. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-104459
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Zkušenostně reflektivní učení a komfortní zóna
Článek pojednává o problematice zkušenostně reflektivního učení. Předně se zaměřuje v této problematice na diskuzi týkající se konceptu komfortní zóny. Překračuje obvyklý rámec tuzemského vymezení konceptu komfortní zó...
The role of Rituals in Education
The study reports on relations between the field of so-called ritual studies and the educational sphere. The author points out the relations between rituals and the process of human shaping and learning, the state of rit...
Visuals for teaching culture: an analysis of German as a second language textbooks
The study presents results of a quantitative analysis of visuals for teaching culture in German language textbooks. The research sample consisted of four textbooks for teaching German as a second foreign language at lo...
The Relationship of the Level of Didactical Equippedness of Textbooks and the Level of Text Difficultness in Current Textbooks: an Analysis of Geography Textbooks for Upper-Secondary Schools
The present paper presents the results of the analysis of secondary school geography textbooks. The choice of the research methods had been determined by the applicability of the results in practice. Two main methodologi...
Validity and reliability of research instruments: Principles and actual practice
The aim of the paper was to explore how principles of estimating validity and reliability of research instruments, as described in respected methodology textbooks, are satisfied. The initial parts of the paper delineate...