Ways of creating communicative and motivational conditions for successful studying of foreign language by students
Journal Title: Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах - Year 2018, Vol 61, Issue 2
The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of language specialties in the process of studying a foreign language. The process of development and intensification of foreign communication competence on the basis of creating communicative and motivational prerequisites in the process of student learning is analysed. Innovation is an integral part of the development of a modern education system. The rapid entry of the latest information technologies has dramatically affected the entire system of Ukrainian education, touching on its content, forms and methods of teaching, which led to a change in requirements for a modern student. That is why knowledge of a foreign language is extremely important, as there is a growing need for communication and cooperation between countries and peoples with different languages and cultural traditions. The author stresses that a modern student requires a modern approach to learning. The urgency of the research problem is determined by the fact that today there are many methods of teaching a foreign language that are based precisely on the inclusion of a communicative and motivational component in the content of teaching a foreign language and its position in terms of various aspects of human activity. But the question of the effective combination of different technologies of teaching a foreign language in order to enhance the foreign language activities of students of language department remain open. The purpose of the study is to study and theoretical substantiation of the communicative and motivational component in the general content of the teaching of a foreign language, the forms of its implementation in higher educational institutions at the present stage, and the development of a methodology for the formation of foreign language communication skills of students. The author presents a comprehensive model for creating communicative and motivational conditions for the formation of foreign-language communicative competence of students, involving information and communication technologies, method of mind map, web-quests, project activity, CLIL methodology. The author of the study concludes that such a complex of modern technologies has the ability to increase the efficiency of the educational process; ensuring the correctness of each user’s learning activities; raising consciousness and interest in learning a foreign language; Independence of practical activity of students. The developed model contributes to the development of foreign language abilities of students, the ability to adapt to new tasks, the disclosure of their creative and spiritual potential, the activation of processes of self-knowledge and self-development.
Authors and Affiliations
О. А. Каніболоцька
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