THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ACE GENE VARIATION AND AEROBIC CAPACITY IN WINTER ENDURANCE DISCIPLINES Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: Joanna Orysiak, Piotr Zmijewski, Andrzej Klusiewicz, Pawel Kaliszewski, Jadwiga Malczewska-Lenczowsk... Subject(s):
THE ROLE OF AEROBIC CAPACITY IN HIGH-INTENSITY INTERMITTENT EFFORTS IN ICE-HOCKEY Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: Arkadiusz Stanula, Robert Roczniok, Adam Maszczyk, Przemyslaw Pietraszewski Subject(s):
DIFFERENT ENDURANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF FEMALE AND MALE GERMAN SOCCER PLAYERS Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: Christian Baumgart, Matthias Hoppe, Jürgen Freiwald Subject(s):
Effects of heat exposure in the absence of hyperthermia on power output during repeated cycling sprints Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: Ryouta Matsuura, Takuma Arimitsu, Takahiro Yunoki, Takehide Kimura, Ryo Yamanaka, Tokuo Yano Subject(s):
Aerobic and anaerobic determinants of repeated sprint ability in team sports athletes Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: Zied Gharbi, Wajdi Dardouri, Radhouane Haj-Sassi , Karim Chamari, Nizar Souissi Subject(s):
Optimization of Training Load in the Process of Rowers' Preparations for the Olympic Games Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Krzysztof Krupecki, Nijole Jaszczanin, Jan Jaszczanin, Paweł Cięszczyk Subject(s):
Optymalizacja obciążeń treningowych w przygotowaniach olimpijskich wioślarzy Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Krzysztof Krupecki, Nijole Jaszczanin, Jan Jaszczanin, Paweł Cięszczyk Subject(s):
Attempt to Comprehensive Analysis of Selection for Sport on the Basis of Team Sports Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Paweł Cięszczyk Subject(s):
Próba kompleksowej oceny doboru do sportu na przykładzie zespołowych gier sportowych Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Paweł Cięszczyk Subject(s):
Genetic Determinations of Choosen Motor Predispoitions of Children and Youth in Kielce Population - Part I. Conditional Abilities Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Elżbieta Cieśla Subject(s):
Genetyczne uwarunkowania wybranych predyspozycji motorycznych dzieci i młodzieży w populacji kieleckiej - Część I. Kondycja Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Elżbieta Cieśla Subject(s):
Body composition and anaerobic power of girls Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Stanisław Sterkowicz Subject(s):
Skład ciała a moc anaerobowa dziewcząt Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Stanisław Sterkowicz Subject(s):
Sekular Trends in Maximal Anaerobic Work (MAW) of 6-year-old Children from Gdańsk in the period 1995-2004 Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Józef Drabik Subject(s):
Zmiany poziomu maksymalnej pracy anaerobowej (MPAn) u dzieci 6-letnich z Gdańska w latach 1995-2004 Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Józef Drabik Subject(s):