A comparative study: long and short term effect of a nutrition sensitive approach to delay the progression of HIV to AIDS among people living with HIV (PLWH) in Nigeria Journal title: Functional Foods in Health and Disease Authors: Abraham Mainaji Amlogu, Sundus Tewfik, Charles Wambebe, Ihab Tewfik Subject(s):
Origen de la diversidad pronominal en América. ¿Influencia peninsular o factores diastráticos y diafásicos? Journal title: Textos en Proceso Authors: Paula Albitre Lamata Subject(s):
Linguistic means of expressing tactic of psychological pressure in modern academic ecological discourse Journal title: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія» Authors: Л. В. Сологуб Subject(s):
Centesimal composition and sugar content of green pepper flour Journal title: Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável Authors: Ana Marinho do Nascimento, Franciscleudo Bezerra da Costa, Jéssica Leite da Silva, Kalinne Passos do... Subject(s):
Micronutrients in Pregnancy Journal title: Indian Obstetrics & Gynaecology Authors: Ashok Kumar, Dr. Gunjan Bhatnagar Subject(s):
Clinical Experience with Oral Micronized Estradiol Valerate in Endometrial Preparation Journal title: Indian Obstetrics & Gynaecology Authors: Praveena Pai, Dr. Sanchaya Khetrapal, Dr. Pratap Kumar Subject(s):
TRANSLATION OF ABBREVIATIONS IN MEDICAL TEXTS. THE MAIN ITEMS TO BE POINTED OUT Journal title: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія» Authors: A. V. Shalajeva Subject(s):
Translation specifics of French scientific and technical patent literature Journal title: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія» Authors: І. А. Попко Subject(s):
Social networks as a mechanism of influence on the communicative space of modern society Journal title: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія» Authors: Г. В. Галянт Subject(s):
Structure of English Initial Abbreviationsin NATO Official Documentation Journal title: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія» Authors: Б. І. Шуневич Subject(s):
Prognostic Significance of Micronuclei Assay in Predicting the Relative Risk of Cancer in Buccal Mucosa in High Risk Population Journal title: Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice Authors: Nandam Mohan Rao Subject(s):
Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas: Experience from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Western India Journal title: International Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery Authors: Bandlish Deepak Subject(s):
Role of Micronutrients in Psychiatric Disorders Journal title: Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Authors: Sujita Kumar Kar Subject(s):
Proximate composition and in vitro antioxidant properties of Rhizophora mucronata plant part extract Journal title: Asian Journal of Green Chemistry Authors: Samanjit kaur, Syed Ali Mohamed Yacoob, Anuradha Venktraman, Yogananth Nagarajan, Suganya Vasudevan,... Subject(s):
Winter is coming, la EPOC en Puertollano: riesgo y fenotipo. Winter is coming, COPD in Puertollano: risk and phenotype. Journal title: Revista SOCAMPAR de Patología del Tórax Authors: FL Gil Muñoz, M Sánchez Bommatty, I Sánchez Rodríguez Subject(s):