How Federalism Can Promote a National Commitment to the Rule of Law Journal title: Studia Iuridica Authors: Robert A. Schapiro Subject(s):
The Implications of Petroleum Conflict in the Context of the Federal Government and the Kelantan State Government Relations Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Hussain Yusri Zawawi, Mohd Rizal Mohd Yaakop, Jazimin Zakaria, Aziawati Zakaria, Ainul Adzellie Hasn... Subject(s):
Indywidualna skarga konstytucyjna w Polsce i w Niemczech: Jak proceduralne różnice wpływają na pozycję instytucji? Journal title: Przegląd Politologiczny Authors: Jan Muszyński Subject(s):
РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ НАЛОГОВ МЕЖДУ БЮДЖЕТАМИ БЮДЖЕТНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ДЛЯ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ МЕЖБЮДЖЕТНОЙ СБАЛАНСИРОВАННОСТИ Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy Authors: Алимназар Худжамуратович Исламкулов Subject(s):
Organization of the activities of the State bureau of investigations: world experience and national model Journal title: Naukovyy Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'kogo Derzhavnogo Universytety Vnutrishnikh Sprav Authors: V. V. Chumak Subject(s):
The Pilot Study on the Perception of the Society towards the Federal Constitution from the Aspect of Racial Unity Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Fairojibanu ., Nazri Muslim, Abdul Latif Samian Subject(s):
European Vision of Altiero Spinelli Journal title: Література та культура Полісся Authors: S Morozov Subject(s):
Measuring governance performance - Post 1991 Ethiopia Journal title: Smart Cities and Regional Development Authors: Takele Bekele BAYU Subject(s):
Correlation between Parasitic Infections in HIV Patients Parasitic Infections in HIV Patients Journal title: Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR) Authors: Machado ER, Santos LMR, Almeira RLG, Sales IMP, Affonso RS, Eduardo AMLN, Chaves PLG, Oliviera LB Subject(s):
The Institute of Immunity is a witness under the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany. Comparative legal analysis Journal title: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія: «Юриспруденція» Authors: Г. В. Денисенко Subject(s):
Experience of legal regulation of the application of the program-target method in the public budgeting sector on the example of the Federal Republic of Germany Journal title: Часопис Київського університету права Authors: Yevhen Romanenko Subject(s):
Toxoplasmosis Frequency in Pregnant Women Attending Regional Health Centers in the City of Samambaia of the Federal District, Brazil Journal title: Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR) Authors: Machado ER, Moura CS, Silva MA, Eduardo AMLN, Oliviera LB, Melo KS, Chaves PLG, Miranda CC Subject(s):
Switzerland: from confederation to federalism Journal title: Економіка. Фінанси. Право Authors: Pylyp Stanislavovych Demchenko Subject(s):