Fingerprint and Speech Fusion: A Multimodal Biometric System

Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology

Authors: Seyed Hassan Sadeghzadeh| Department of Computer and IT Payame Noor University, Iran, Morteza Amirsh...

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering

IT Recovery for Business to Take Off

Journal title: The International Journal of Technological Exploration and Learning

Authors: Prabhudutta Ray| Center for Soft computing Research Lab Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, India

Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology

Impact of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance

Journal title: The International Journal of Technological Exploration and Learning

Authors: S.Danoshana| Asst. Lecturer Department of Finance and Accountancy, Vavuniya Campus, University of Ja...

Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology

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