Radio „Europa Liberă” şi exilul românesc în Europa / Radio Free Europe and Romanian exile in Europe Journal title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie Authors: Laura GIOSANU Subject(s):
The main stages of the non-governmental organizations’ institutionalization as an institution of civil society in the Republic of Bulgaria
Correlations between Democratization and the Introduction of Free Market Economy Journal title: Chorzowskie Studia Polityczne Authors: Łukasz Makowski Subject(s):
Internal Market Freedoms and Democratic Principles of the European Union in the Judgments of the Court of Justice of the EU Journal title: Chorzowskie Studia Polityczne Authors: Jacek Barcik Subject(s):
Christian Democracy vs. Market Economy and Democracy. Ideological-Programmatic Aspects Journal title: Chorzowskie Studia Polityczne Authors: Michał Kozera Subject(s):
Decentralization of Social Services as a Precondition for Democratic Stability and Sustainability Journal title: Chorzowskie Studia Polityczne Authors: Yuriy Petrushenko, Oksana Zamora, Anna Vorontsova Subject(s):
Shevchenko’s image in the works of Osip Hermaize Journal title: Eminak Authors: Vyacheslav Hordiyenko, Galina Hordiyenko Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History
The national elections of 1986 in Spain – continuity changes Journal title: Eminak Authors: Valentinа Нodlevskay Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History
THE POLITICAL REGIME AND ITS ROLE IN THE REGULATION OF RELATIONS BETWEEN SOCIETY AND THE STATE Journal title: Наукові праці. Серія "Політологія" Authors: N. Yevtushenko Subject(s):
THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF PERSONNEL POLICY AT THE (SUB) REGIONAL AND MUNICIPAL LEVELS Journal title: Наукові праці. Серія "Державне управління" Authors: S. V. Honchar Subject(s):
THE ROLE OF YOUTH ORGANIZATIONSIN ENSURING THE STABILITY OF THE STATE Journal title: Наукові праці. Серія "Державне управління" Authors: G. Koval Subject(s):
TECHNOLOGY OF FORMING IMAGE EXTERNAL ENEMY IN A DEMOCRATIC AND NON-DEMOCRATIC REGIMES Journal title: Наукові праці. Серія "Політологія" Authors: L. Levchenko, S. Rakcheieva Subject(s):
The idea of independence of Ukraine in theoretical heritage of V. Lipinskyi Journal title: Eminak Authors: Darya Mukha Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History
Mniejszość w procesie przemian. Perspektywa mniejszości serbołużyckiej Journal title: Cywilizacja i Polityka Authors: Małgorzata Mieczkowska Subject(s):
Third Grand Assembly of UUN (b) 1943: Course on revision of the basic ideological and programmatic tenets (modern historiography) Journal title: Eminak Authors: Vasyl’ Uhach Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History