
Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Behrooz Afshar| Department of Theology, Islamic Azad University Babol Branch, Babol, Iran

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

Robert Browning as a Love – Poet

Journal title: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences

Authors: Dr. P. N. Meshram

Subject(s): Economics, Education, Law, Linguistics, History , Anthropology, Geography

Abortion in comparative study of religions

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Mahnaz salami| email:

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

Properties Manager from the perspective of Islam

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Mohammad Raeisi| Department of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, I. R. of IRAN, email: r...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

Legal and Fiqh reason for termination of marriage

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: JafarAli Vazifehdan Mollashahi| Department of Jurisprudence and Islamic Law, College of Law and Poli...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

Contrast of ch?shteh and kardag in Zoroastrian theology

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Zahra Tabrizi Shahrovi| Department of ancient languages and culture, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

The sacred, philosophical and sociological Janus

Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies

Authors: Marcel BOLLE DE BAL| Professeur émérite, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique

Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems

The sacred, between mediations and ruptures

Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies

Authors: Denis JEFFREY| Professeur titulaire, Université Laval, Canada

Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems

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