Azpeitiko euskararen hiztegi dialektal bat – II
Journal Title: Fontes Linguae Vasconum: studia et documenta - Year 2019, Vol 2019, Issue 127
Lan hau hiztegiaren bigarren erdia da. Aurreko lanean bezala hiztegiaren ildo nagusiak Azpeitiko euskararen azentua eta fonologia dira. Izenen eta izenondoen kasuetan, hiru forma aurkeztu dira. Lehena, flexiorik gabeko absolutiboko forma mugagabea da, eta ondorengo biak kopuladunak, bai singularrean bai pluralean. Aditzen kasuan bi forma ageri dira, partizipio perfektiboan eta ez-perfektiboan, beti ‘da/du’ aditz laguntzailearekin. Bestelako hitz motak forma bakarrean datoz. This is the second half of the dialectal dictionary. Like in the previous work, the dictionary focuses on the accent and phonology of Azpeitia Basque. In the dictionary, nouns and adjectives are shown in three different forms: uninflected, absolutive singular and absolutive plural. Regarding verbs, two different forms are used throughout the dictionary: the perfective and non-perfective forms, followed by a third person singular auxiliary. As for the remaining word categories, only one form is given.
Authors and Affiliations
Ander Beristain
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