Dečji vrtić kao prostor heterotopije/ The Kindergarten as a Space of Heterotopia

Journal Title: Nastava i vaspitanje/ Studies in Teaching and Education - Year 2023, Vol 72, Issue 3


Prostor dečjeg vrtića predstavlja integralni deo programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja, jer strukturiranje i korišćenje prostora odražavaju koncepcijska polazišta programa. U ovom radu težili smo sagledavanju odnosa moći kojima je fizičko okruženje vrtića oblikovano, a koji su vidljivi kroz način na koji su strukturirani i način na koji se koriste zajednički prostori vrtića (holovi i hodnici). U istraživanju polazimo od Fukoovog koncepta heterotopije, kako bismo sagledali kontradik-tornost i tenzije koje postoje u praksi vrtića, a koje imaju svoju fizičku manifestaciju u prostoru. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u jednom državnom vrtiću u Beogradu, uz učešće medicinske sestre-vaspitača i stručnog saradnika - pedagoga u analizi prostora putem intervjua - ture kroz vrtić. Iskustvo učesnika istraživanja ukazuje na to da heterotopije unutar vrtića nastaju u pokušaju transformacije prakse od one zasnovane na hijerarhijskim odnosima moći ka praksi baziranoj na deljenju moći, kao i da stvaranje "drugih mesta" u vrtiću doprinosi promeni načina učešća vaspitača, dece i porodice u korišćenju zajedničkih prostora vrtića. The space of the kindergarten is an integral part of the pre-school education programme, in view of the fact that the manner in which the space is structured and used, also reflects the conceptional fundaments of the programme. In this paper, we have strived to explore the relations of power that shape the physical environment of the kindergarten, being also visible in the structure of the kindergarten and the way its communal spaces (halls and corridors) are used. In our research, we have proceeded from Foucault’s concept of heterotopia, in order to gain a profound understanding of the contradictions and the tension existing in the practice of the kindergarten, which are manifested in the space physically. The research was conducted in a public kindergarten in Belgrade, with the participation of a nurse-educator and an expert associate-pedagogue in the process of analysing the space, which was performed by a walk-along interview tour of the kindergarten. The experience of the participants in the research indicates that heterotopias within the kindergarten emerge from the attempt to transform the practice from the one based on hierarchical relations of power, to a practice based on the sharing of power, as well as highlighting that creating ‘other places’ in the kindergarten contributes to changing the way the educators, the children, and their families are involved in the utilisation of the communal spaces within the kindergarten.

Authors and Affiliations

Lazarević Milijana


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  • EP ID EP731545
  • DOI 10.5937/nasvas2303445L
  • Views 48
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How To Cite

Lazarević Milijana (2023). Dečji vrtić kao prostor heterotopije/ The Kindergarten as a Space of Heterotopia. Nastava i vaspitanje/ Studies in Teaching and Education, 72(3), -.