How to Improve Reading Comprehension: Mapping Critical Areas for Pedagogical Interventions

Journal Title: Nastava i vaspitanje/ Studies in Teaching and Education - Year 2024, Vol 73, Issue 3


Literacy, in contemporary understanding, is a situational, complex competency embedded in various social practices. It is therefore conceptualized as a multidimensional literacy encompassing numerous dimensions—linguistic, mathematical, scientific, political, economic, media, and others. However, the development of multiple literacies is achievable only through the advancement of linguistic literacy, which serves as both a mediator and a moderator for all other forms of literacy. The most extensively researched aspect of linguistic literacy is reading comprehension, which underpins all meaningful learning. The aim of this paper is to present, describe, and analyze the critical components that must be included in educational interventions focused on developing reading comprehension. When the criterion of focus is applied, empirical findings, support programs, and practical efforts to foster reading comprehension cluster around several key factors: modification of the text itself from which reading and learning occur; support for developing students’ cognitive competencies associated with reading; support for students’ personal and affective competencies; and effective reading activities within teaching, instructional situations, and teaching/learning methods. Each of these aspects of effective pedagogical intervention is described, analyzed, and exemplified in this paper, with the conclusion that a synergistic approach is the most efficient way to develop literacy among children and youth.

Authors and Affiliations

Antić Slobodanka, Stevanović Jelena


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  • EP ID EP753450
  • DOI 10.5937/nasvas2403345A
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How To Cite

Antić Slobodanka, Stevanović Jelena (2024). How to Improve Reading Comprehension: Mapping Critical Areas for Pedagogical Interventions. Nastava i vaspitanje/ Studies in Teaching and Education, 73(3), -.