Klima výuky matematiky v angličtině (metodou CLIL)
Journal Title: Pedagogicka Orientace - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 1
Článek prezentuje výsledky případové studie zkoumající klima výuky matematiky na konkrétní základní škole. Studie prezentuje výsledky z výzkumných šetření prováděných v souvislosti se zavedením výuky matematiky v anglickém jazyce na této škole. Pro vyhodnocení klimatu výuky jsou použity jak kvantitativní metody sběru dat – dotazník, tak i metody kvalitativní – rozhovory s učiteli a žáky. Na základě vyhodnocení dotazníkového šetření ukazujeme rozdílnost klimatu výuky matematiky v jiném, než mateřském jazyce, z hlediska žáka i učitele. Zároveň naznačujeme možné příčiny těchto rozdílů.
Authors and Affiliations
Helena Binterová
Education policy: Different definitions, assumptions and implications
The aim of this theoretical study is to delimit different approaches to educational policy, analyze assumptions on which they are based and show implications of these approaches. The article starts with distinguishing am...
On the necessity for a third generation in mixed method design, theory, and research: overcoming the burden of the incompatibility thesis between qualitative and quantitative research
In this paper I strive for overcoming the burden of the incompatibility thesis between qualitative and quantitative research a I call for a third generation in mixed method design, theory, and research. I will, first,...
Between practice and theory in teacher education: notes on the Czech translation of Korthagen et al.’s book
This theoretical paper follows the publication of the Czech translation of the book by F. A. J. Korthagen et al. Linking practice and theory: The pedagogy of realistic teacher education. The paper consists of two parts...
The Relationship of the Level of Didactical Equippedness of Textbooks and the Level of Text Difficultness in Current Textbooks: an Analysis of Geography Textbooks for Upper-Secondary Schools
The present paper presents the results of the analysis of secondary school geography textbooks. The choice of the research methods had been determined by the applicability of the results in practice. Two main methodologi...
Teachers’ professional vision: exploring and clarifying the concept
This theoretical study introduces the concept of professional vision into Czech academic discourse as one of the potential concepts that can be used when contemplating (teacher) professionalization. At the beginning th...