Probiotics in fermented meat products
Journal Title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria - Year 2009, Vol 8, Issue 2
Probiotic bacteria strains are successfully used in production of processed milk products, and certain juices, however, their use has not been observed in production of raw ripening meat products. In the case of meat products, raw products are deemed to be and actually are a suitable medium for the development of probiotic microorganisms. Scientific projects are being conducted on a European and even world scale. However, the health safety criterion should be of primary importance with respect to the use of probiotics. The application of certain bacteria strains deemed to have probiotic properties can be quite disputable. For that reason, further studies with regard to achieving absolute health safety of probiotic foodstuffs should be continued.
Authors and Affiliations
Danuta Kołożyn-Krajewska, Zbigniew Dolatowski
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