The article focuses on the Polish literary works translated into Bulgarian in 2014. We will point to the most important trends defining the main characteristics of Bulgarian translations of Polish writers and the probabl...
This paper deals primarily with the poetry of Zdravko Malić, one of the most prominent
Croatian Polonists of the 20th century, founder of Croatian Polonistics as institutionalised
philological discipline, and the author...
The article discusses the problem of translating an essay as a genre which is located
between science and art. It focuses on the translation of the Božidar Jezernik’s book published in Poland in 2011. It reveals the diff...
This paper presents analysis some translatological questions in the field of translating of
an old literature, on the basis of the selected fragments from the works of Jan Kochanowski and
from the essay of Czesław Miłosz...
The article concerns the issue of the interpreter’s freedom concerning the translations of the titles of prose works. The matter seems important not only because of the necessity of reserving the title’s essential functi...
Tłumaczenia bułgarskie literatury polskiej w 2014 roku
The article focuses on the Polish literary works translated into Bulgarian in 2014. We will point to the most important trends defining the main characteristics of Bulgarian translations of Polish writers and the probabl...
(Samo)spoznaja u odnosu spram Drugoga i strana kultura kao izvor vlastita identiteta: pjesnik Zdravko Malić
This paper deals primarily with the poetry of Zdravko Malić, one of the most prominent Croatian Polonists of the 20th century, founder of Croatian Polonistics as institutionalised philological discipline, and the author...
Wolność tłumacza wobec kalejdoskopu kultur na przykładzie esejów Božidara Jezernika
The article discusses the problem of translating an essay as a genre which is located between science and art. It focuses on the translation of the Božidar Jezernik’s book published in Poland in 2011. It reveals the diff...
Problemy interpretacji oraz tłumaczenia literatury dawnej. Kilka uwag, kwestii i propozycji
This paper presents analysis some translatological questions in the field of translating of an old literature, on the basis of the selected fragments from the works of Jan Kochanowski and from the essay of Czesław Miłosz...
O przekładzie tytułu (na przykładzie prozy słoweńskiej)
The article concerns the issue of the interpreter’s freedom concerning the translations of the titles of prose works. The matter seems important not only because of the necessity of reserving the title’s essential functi...