Biochemical Study of the Endothelial function in persons living at High Altitude in Saudi Arabia Journal title: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Authors: Mohamed Abd-Ellatif, Abdullah S. Assiri, Ayyub Patel, Essam M. Nour Eldein, Maha F. Hamoudah, Shirin... Subject(s): Biochemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy, Medical Imaging and Radiology, Ophthalmology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychiatry
Adhesion molecules in the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Agnieszka Jarosz, Grażyna Nowicka Subject(s):
Molekuły adhezyjne w diagnostyce choroby niedokrwiennej serca Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Agnieszka Jarosz, Grażyna Nowicka Subject(s):
Impact of administration of folic acid on selected indicators of inflammation in patients with primary arterial hypertension Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Aleksandra Baszczuk, Zygmunt Kopczyński, Jarosław Kopczyński, Maciej Cymerys, Anna Thielemann,... Subject(s): Medicine
Ocena wpływu podawania kwasu foliowego na wybrane wskaźniki stanu zapalnego u chorych na pierwotne nadciśnienie tętnicze Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Aleksandra Baszczuk, Zygmunt Kopczyński, Jarosław Kopczyński, Maciej Cymerys, Anna Thielemann,... Subject(s): Medicine
ПОРІВНЯЛЬНА ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ВІКОВИХ ВЛАСТИВОСТЕЙ ЕНДОТЕЛІАЛЬНИХ ФУНКЦІЙ СЛИЗОВОЇ ОБОЛОНКИ ШЛУНКУ ЗА ДОПОМОГОЮ ЕКСПРЕСІЇ VCAM І IL-1Β. Journal title: Праці Наукового товариства ім. Шевченка Authors: Ярослав Павловський, Олена Гаврилюк, Оксана Грушка, Oksana Zayachkivska Subject(s):
Erk5 and P38 Kinase are Positive Regulators of Insulin and Tnfα - Stimulated Vcam-1 Expression in Rat Aorta Endothelial Cells Journal title: Advances in Diabetes & Endocrinology Authors: Marc L. Goalstone Subject(s):
ERK5 and JNK Regulate the Expression of VCAM-1 Differentially in Insulin-and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Stimulated Rat Aortic Endothelial Cells Journal title: Advances in Diabetes & Endocrinology Authors: Marc L. Goalstone Subject(s):
TRANSLATIONAL ASPECTS OF PLACE OF HYDROGEN SULFIDE-RELEASING NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS ON THE TOMORROW’S LANDSCAPE FOR STRESSASSOCIATED DISORDERS Journal title: Праці Наукового товариства ім. Шевченка Authors: N. Bula, Ya. Pavlovsky, V. Student, O. Revenko, J.L. Wallace, Oksana Zayachkivska Subject(s):
THE EFFECT OF AEROBIC EXERCISE ON EXPRESSIVE LEVEL OF VCAM-1 AT APOE-DEFICIENT MOUSE AORTA Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Microbiology Research (APJMR) Authors: Sun yan, Hao Xuan-ming, Geng Qing-qing, Li Jin-huan, Zhang Yan-yan, Ren qi Subject(s):
Serum Visfatin as a Novel Marker of Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research Authors: K Santha, KK Perumal, S Sethupathy, K Balu Mahendran Subject(s):
Вміст адгезійних молекул, Е-селектину та ендотелійзалежна дилатація у хворих на цукровий діабет1-го типу з мікроангіопатіями, які хворіють із дитинства, та в осіб молодого віку з ожирінням Journal title: Ендокринологія Authors: Б.М. Маньковський, Л.А. Могильницька, О.Є. Могильницька Subject(s):
Role of Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 in Knee Osteoarthritis among Postmenopausal Women Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Reetika Shrivastava Subject(s):
Diagnostic Efficacy of Pleural Fluid ADA, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 to Differentiate Tubercular and Nontubercular Pleural Effusion Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Manoj Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Anita Sharma Subject(s):
Enhanced Inflammatory Status in Patients with Simple Central Obesity in Absence of Metabolic Syndrome Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Muhamed T Osman, Hanis Saimin, Nadzimah Mohd Nasir, Suraya Abdul Razak, Zaliha Ismail, Hapizah Mohd... Subject(s):