ПОВІСТЬ МИХАЙЛА СТЕЛЬМАХА «ГУСИ-ЛЕБЕДІ ЛЕТЯТЬ» У КОНТЕКСТІ НАРОДНОЇ ПЕДАГОГІКИ Journal title: Філологічний часопис Authors: Марина Павленко Subject(s):
Освітньо-виховний потенціал природного шкільного експерименту у спадщині О. Лазурського Journal title: Історико-педагогічний альманах Authors: Інна Леонтьєва Subject(s):
Spanenglish Phoenix: Use of a foreign language educational project as a motivational strategy for the learning Journal title: Revista Brasileira de Educação e Saúde Authors: Weber Pires, Roberta Ramos Frota Bezerra, Felipe Julio Leite Farias, Ana Maria Sousa Farias Subject(s):
Implementation of Innovative Foreign Teaching Methods in the Ukrainian School in the 1920s Journal title: Theory and Practice of Social Systems Management Authors: Oksana KRAVCHUK Subject(s): Social Sciences
About the association of different methods of learning in the training of medical students in a Pathology Lab Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Mona Mlika, Lamia Ben Hassine, Emna Braham, Ali Mrabet, Faouzi Mezni Subject(s):
ANGRAGOGY AND PEDAGOGY Journal title: Analele Universitatii „Eftimie Murgu” din Resita. Fascicola de Stiinte Social-Umaniste Authors: Lavinia-Maria NIȚULESCU Subject(s):
Research of case application in the teaching of Food Standard and Regulation Course Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Youwei Yu, Juan Zhang Subject(s):
SCIENTIFIC INHERITANCE OF Y. KOMENSKY IN HISTORICAL MEASURING Journal title: Збірник наукових праць «Педагогічні науки» Authors: В.Л. Федяєва Subject(s):
Teachers’ professional growth: a political and pedagogic matter Journal title: Práxis Educativa Authors: Andrea Alliaud Subject(s): Education
International models, trends and concepts of the philosophy of education in the context of sustainable social development under global institutional transformation conditions Journal title: Схід Authors: Viktor Zinchenko Subject(s):
PROCESSES OF GLOBALISATION AND DYNAMICS OF THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL SYSTEM: FROM ANTHROPOCENTRISM TO SOCIOCENTRISM Journal title: Духовність особистості: методологія, теорія і практика Authors: Vitaliy V. Sizov Subject(s):
PROBLEMS AND AREAS OF AESTHETIC LEARNING AND AESTHETIC EDUCATION INTERACTION Journal title: Духовність особистості: методологія, теорія і практика Authors: Yanina Anatoliivna Slavska, Oksana Bondarenko Subject(s):
The movement of constitution of the history of Pedagogy Course and its object of study: articulation with teaching conceptions in teachers’ education Journal title: Práxis Educativa Authors: Miryan Cruz Debiasi, Ademir Damazio Subject(s): Education
The conception of Social Pedagogy in the training of Social Educators in Spain Journal title: Práxis Educativa Authors: Érico Ribas Machado Subject(s): Education