Całkowita bezcementowa aloplastyka stawu biodrowego z zastosowaniem trzpienia BiCONTACT - dobre wyniki w długookresowej obserwacji Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Marek Drobniewski, Andrzej Borowski, Marcin Sibiński Subject(s):
Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty with BiCONTACT Stem – Go od Results at Long Term of Follow -up Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Marek Drobniewski, Andrzej Borowski, Marcin Sibiński Subject(s):
Functional Results after Osteosynthesis of Distal Humeral Fractures with Pre-contoured LCP System Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Nasir Muzaffar, Khurshid Bhat, Rafiq Ahmad, Rayees Wani, Mansoor Dar Subject(s):
Computed Tomography in Evaluation of Revision Hip Arthroplasty Outcomes Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Andrzej Kochman, Monika Morawska-Kochman, Maciej Guziński, Marek Drobniewski, Marcin Sibiński, Mare... Subject(s):
Zastosowanie tomografii komputerowej w ocenie wyników oprotezoplastyki rewizyjnej stawu biodrowego Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Andrzej Kochman, Monika Morawska-Kochman, Maciej Guziński, Marek Drobniewski, Marcin Sibiński, Mare... Subject(s):
Linking Organizational Support to Innovativeness – Conceptual Implications for Talent Management Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Tomasz Ingram Subject(s): Management
ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE OF SWIMMERS AFTER ALTITUDE TRAINING (2,300 M ABOVE SEA LEVEL) IN VIEW OF THEIR BLOOD MORPHOLOGY CHANGES Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: Marcin Siewierski, Paweł Słomiński, Robert Białecki, Jakub Adamczyk Subject(s):
Overrepresentation of the COL3A1 AA genotype in Polish skiers with anterior cruciate ligament injury Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: Marta Stępień-Słodkowska, Krzysztof Ficek, Agnieszka Maciejewska-Karłowska, Marek Sawczuk, Paweł Zię... Subject(s):
The effect of addition of different quantity of enzyme preparation on nutritive value of mixtures for broiler chickens Journal title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops Authors: Teresa Banaszkiewicz, Katarzyna Stachurska, Karolina Borkowska, Jakub Wysmyk Subject(s):
The estimation of diets with rapeseed cakes from two cultivars supplemented and non-supplemented with enzyme preparation for broiler chickens Journal title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops Authors: Teresa Banaszkiewicz Subject(s):
The muscle relaxation ability and results in sport of world elite competitors Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Włodzimierz Starosta Subject(s):
Zdolność rozluźniania mięśni a wyniki sportowe zawodników światowej elity Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Włodzimierz Starosta Subject(s):
The relation between the training load and the results in the 10 and 20 km sport walks of Polish race walkers Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Edward Mleczko, Jerzy Januszewski Subject(s):
Związki między obciążeniem treningowym a wynikami w chodzie sportowym na 10 i 20 km polskich chodziarzy Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Edward Mleczko, Jerzy Januszewski Subject(s):
Health-related fitness in adults aged 20–59 years Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Andrzej Jopkiewicz, Jacek Gawron Subject(s):