The Effect of Using Virtual Laboratory in Guided Inquiry Learning on Cognitive Learning Outcomes of Physics Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: Hermansyah ., Gunawan ., Ahmad Harjono Subject(s):
Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to Critical Thinking Skills Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: Christinsenia Seranica, Agus Abhi Purwoko, Aliefman Hakim Subject(s):
The Influence Of Guided Inquiry Learning Model To Student’s Learning Outcomes Based On Preknowlledge Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: Rosdiana Eka Juniyati, Jamaluddin ., Dadi Sediadi Subject(s):
Development of Chemical Instruments (Handout) Model of Findings Based On KAPRA Class X SMA / Ma Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: BaiqChairun Nisa, Yayuk Andayani, Dadi Setiadi Subject(s):
Development Of Learning Based POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning)Concept Control In Improving Student Senior High School 8 Mataram Acid Base Materials Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: YaumulChairiah Ningsih, AgusAbhi Purwoko, Saprizal Hadisaputra Subject(s):
The Influence of Using Guided Questions Technique Towards Students’ Procedure Text Writing Ability Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: Hariyanto . Subject(s):
The Effectiveness Of Developed Lesson Plan Instrument On Subject Matter Life Organizations Towards Critical Thinking Skills Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: Hidayati Norrizqa, Abdul Gafur, Suryajaya . Subject(s):
Bioactivity-Guided fractionations for Anti-Cancer Property of Leaves of Justicia beddomei Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Authors: A.M. Krupanidhi, Anand R Hiremath, Akshara Prakash Dabadi, Vinuth Chikkamath, Ekbote D, Dhavan P, Re... Subject(s):
EDUCATOR’S TRAINING IN TEACHING CHILDREN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Journal title: Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського Authors: Olha Kozliuk Subject(s):
SELF-TRAINING OF STUDENTS WITHIN THE SYSTEM OF HIGHER PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION Journal title: Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського Authors: Maryna Demidova Subject(s):
OF PART-TIME STUDENTS’ SELF-GUIDED WORK ORGANIZATION Journal title: Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського Authors: Oleh Pidhirnyi Subject(s):
MEMBANGUN LITERASI SAINS SISWA PADA KONSEP ASAM BASA MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN INKUIRI TERBIMBING Journal title: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Authors: R. Ahmad Zaky El Islami, Nahadi Nahadi, Anna Permanasari Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Science Education
PENGEMBANGAN LEMBAR KEGIATAN SISWA (LKS) BERBASIS INKUIRI TERBIMBING PADA MATERI HIDROLISIS GARAM Journal title: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Authors: Abdurrohim Abdurrohim, Tonih Feronika, Evi Sapinatul Bahriah Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Science Education
PROFIL KECAKAPAN AKADEMIK SISWA MELALUI PRAKTIKUM BERBASIS GUIDED INQUIRY PADA KONSEP SISTEM PERNAPASAN Journal title: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Authors: Sonia Baidar Aldilla, Pipit Marianingsih, Lukman Nulhakim Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Science Education
Guided Discovery Worksheet for Increasing Mathematical Creative Thinking and Self-Efficacy Journal title: International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research Authors: Tripatika Yuliani, Sri Hastuti Noer, Undang Rosidin Subject(s):