Cross the river by feeling the stones: an analysis of the dominant logic of Chinese entrepreneurs Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Krzysztof Obłój, Shujun Zhang Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Przekraczaj rzekę po kamieniach: analiza dominującej logiki chińskich przedsiębiorców Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Krzysztof Obłój, Shujun Zhang Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Światowy kryzys gospodarczy a zarządzanie w polskich przedsiębiorstwach Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Izabella Steinerowska-Streb Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
The global economic crisis and management in Polish companies Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Izabella Steinerowska-Streb Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Defensive behaviors of companies in championship sports in times of crisis – an analysis of selected case studies Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Zbigniew Pawlak, Andrzej Smoleń Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Zachowania obronne spółek kapitałowych w sporcie kwalifikowanym w sytuacjach kryzysowych – analiza wybranych przypadków Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Zbigniew Pawlak, Andrzej Smoleń Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
The long road to a higher generation leadership Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Bolesław Kuc Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Trudna droga do przywództwa wyższej generacji Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Bolesław Kuc Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Autentyczne przywództwo w dobie kryzysu Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Joanna Furmańczyk Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Authentic leadership in times of crisis Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Joanna Furmańczyk Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Co-operative Management Report: before, during and after a crisis Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Wojciech Góral Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Raport o zarządzaniu w spółdzielni – przed, w trakcie i po wystąpieniu sytuacji kryzysowej Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Wojciech Góral Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Government reactions to the economic crisis – the fundamental dilemmas Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Jacek Tomkiewicz Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Reakcja państwa na kryzys gospodarczy – podstawowe dylematy Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Jacek Tomkiewicz Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Kształcenie menedżerów wobec zjawiska kryzysu. Perspektywa historyczna Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Piotr Górski Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management